Overcoming Aimlessness

Let’s check in real quick. It’s almost the end of summer and it’s towards the end of a pandemic. Maybe you feel “blah” from being stuck for so long. Maybe you are bored with your job or want to find something that let’s you continue to stay at home. You may feel like a lot of people who contact me about therapy: aimless, lost, uncertain.

What can start to help feel more purposeful, tethered, and grounded is getting clear on where you are, where you're going, and how you want to get there. Just like when you're using GPS or Google Maps, you need to know where you're starting and where you'd like to end up and how you want to get there to get accurate and effective directions. We do that in life, not with an app (although not a bad idea!), but through practicing mindfulness (knowing where you are), clarifying goals (knowing where you're going) and identifying values (knowing how you want to get there). Most people aren't clear on any of these. No wonder they feel lost! Imagine trying to navigate to get to California if you don't know where you're starting or how you plan to get there! That would be silly. But I can't tell you how many people are doing the equivalent with their health, their jobs, and their relationships.

If you're reading this and identify with feeling aimless, start to think about how you would answer the questions of "where are you?", "where do you want to go?", "how do you want to get there?". This next month I will be going a bit more in depth into mindfulness, goal setting, and values, but for now, just start to let you brain chew on those questions and get curious and creative.

 If you feel aimless, lost or like there is no hope, I want to help you. We can work together to find you a sense of purpose in this life. Reach out to me today and let’s get started.