Couples Counseling Homework - Week 3

Welcome to Week 3!


Hopefully you are finding these weekly assignments fun and inspiring. This week your extra credit assignment is to make a vision board together or you each make one specific to your personal goals. If you do a personal board, make sure you each share your board with the other. A vision board is something you will look at daily that has intentions and dreams all over it. Typically you use magazines to find things that speak to you and past them on a board you can buy at any art or hobby store. Lately, I have also turned to Pinterest for some of my pictures and sayings.

Decide if this vision board is going to be for this year only or for a longer period of time. Most people do it for the coming year, but feel free to make it longer term especially if it’s around buying a home, going on an amazing trip, retirement goals, etc.

Take these steps to create your vision board/s:

  1. Decide on the intention for the board. Get really clear on the goals of your board and what you intend to manifest.

  2. Get your magazines, pinterest boards and any other pictures, photos or sayings you’ve collected and make sure you have enough room to spread out and get creative. I like to use pins and cork board, if I feel like changing it up it’s easy.

  3. Use words that make you FEEL something. You need an emotional response to your board that sends giddy little shivers up and down your spine - this is all about inspiration!

  4. Create your board. Line everything up and then glue / tack / staple all the pics and quotes.

  5. Board Placement. Your vision board needs to be someplace that you can see it, not tucked away in a closet. Look at it everyday, several times a day is best. Look at it first thing in the morning and before you go to bed at night.

Use your board for inspiration every day. Have fun!