
What I've been listen to: Tony Robbins interview of Esther Perel (Tony Robbins Podcast "Why do people cheat: Parts 1 and 2")

If you want to take an interesting deep dive into relationships and get some insights to help you thrive in your relationships, check out these episodes. Ester and Tony cover everything from attachment to communication to responsibility and intentionality. The first part is about relationships In general and the second one zeros in more on infidelity, which is Ester Perels realm of expertise. In all honesty, I listened to these episode several times to be able to more fully digest them because they're so juicy and dense. This therapy nerd highly recommends it!

Want more on what I am listening to? Check it all out here.

Podcast of the Week: Hello Freedom

Let's get this clear. I'm great and have a lot to offer (including my humility..haha). Part of what I can offer my clients and blog readers is my knowledge of resources. It would be selfish and harmful to have clients only rely on therapy sessions with me once or twice a week to get information and insight to work on themselves. Working on yourself is a lifetime of work and a daily process. More is more in terms of advice, differing perspectives, and knowledge. Sharing resources helps clients meet their therapy goals quicker and can help us dig deeper in session. In that spirit, I'm recommending podcasts.

Last month, I recommended Esther Perel's "Where Should we Begin". Where it is story and insight based. Terri Cole's "Hello Freedom" is more of a lecture with practical tools.  She is heavily focused on relationships, boundary setting, and healing childhood wounds through present day behavior change. She is direct and no nonsense. It can be challenging and dense information, which makes it nice that it comes in 15-30 min episodes. While men may benefit, she definitely targets women as her audience. If you have struggled with boundaries, had relationships with people who are narcissists or addicts, or just need a kick in the butt to stand up for yourself, say hello to "Hello Freedom."

Favorite Podcast of the Week - The Hilarious World of Depression

My favorite podcast of the week is The Hilarious World of Depression.  Have you listened to this??!!  It’s so amazing.  John Moe, a comedian and the host of the podcast, has discussions with a lot of famous people about a silent but often deadly disease, he also makes you laugh about it.  His first question to all guests, usually comedians, is “Is depression funny?”.  They all answer yes, and then they talk about the lonely side of the disease when you try to manage it on your own.

I love this podcast for several reasons and am always on the lookout for a new episode.  Like I said, he is having in-depth, very personal conversations about depression and its debilitating effects.  So much of what we witness about depression is on TV ads or in magazines in small print that makes no sense - If you take this drug you might feel better.  Don’t get me wrong, I think psychopharmaceuticals are fantastic, but what John is doing is different. He is normalizing depression by introducing you to famous people who suffer and how they are combating their mental illness. He puts well known faces to depression making it relatable.  You probably need more than a dose of medicine daily to really combats this nightmare.

John gives listeners tips and tricks in every episode.  Everybody deals with and handles their depression differently.  He gives listeners mini episodes as well, some of which are listener based.  People email him with their personal strategies.  I tell all my clients that no matter what, you need an arsenal of weapons, a toolbox full of ideas because some days your go-to weapon won’t cut it. 

Here’s a link to the podcast - go get it!  AND, stop struggling alone!  We want to help you, call us right now and start feeling better today.  Let’s build your own personal arsenal to kick depression’s ass. 





"Where Should We Begin?" Podcast

Esther Perel is a bad ass in the therapy world. She's a leading expert in relationships, sexuality, and infidelity. She's also insightful, creative, and hilarious.

She has a series of recorded couples therapy sessions on audible.com and Amazon. She tackles sex, parenting, intimacy and does so with depth and grace. I highly recommend listening to it to get new insights and perspectives on relationships as well as to normalize relationship dynamics and build empathy for yourself and others as you listen to stories every human can relate to.
