setting boundaries

Why Setting Boundaries is Good for You and Your Relationships

Why Setting Boundaries is Good for You and Your Relationships

Boundaries in our relationships should protect our ability to love ourselves, and also protect our ability to be accessible to ourselves and our own lives.

Podcast of the Week: Hello Freedom

Let's get this clear. I'm great and have a lot to offer (including my humility..haha). Part of what I can offer my clients and blog readers is my knowledge of resources. It would be selfish and harmful to have clients only rely on therapy sessions with me once or twice a week to get information and insight to work on themselves. Working on yourself is a lifetime of work and a daily process. More is more in terms of advice, differing perspectives, and knowledge. Sharing resources helps clients meet their therapy goals quicker and can help us dig deeper in session. In that spirit, I'm recommending podcasts.

Last month, I recommended Esther Perel's "Where Should we Begin". Where it is story and insight based. Terri Cole's "Hello Freedom" is more of a lecture with practical tools.  She is heavily focused on relationships, boundary setting, and healing childhood wounds through present day behavior change. She is direct and no nonsense. It can be challenging and dense information, which makes it nice that it comes in 15-30 min episodes. While men may benefit, she definitely targets women as her audience. If you have struggled with boundaries, had relationships with people who are narcissists or addicts, or just need a kick in the butt to stand up for yourself, say hello to "Hello Freedom."