Couples Communication

Almost without exception, couples will come to us saying they struggle with communication in their relationship. This is an umbrella term.  There are hundreds of issues hanging under the umbrella.  

Common Couples Communication Issues

  • Erroneously finding fault

  • Jumping to negative conclusions

  • Walking away prematurely

  • Sweeping things under the rug

  • Yelling and name calling

  • Contemplating having a physical or emotional affair because something is missing for you

  • You have the same argument over and over

  • You’ve lost your connection

  • You are constantly walking on eggshells

And the list goes on.

These are the most common complaints but hardly the full list.  The research shows that most couples share an equal amount of the blame when it comes to conflict.  You might think that keeping your mouth shut and just going with the flow make the relationship better, but really this is a recipe for disaster because it is a breeding ground for resentment.  Then comes the conflict and the fights.

Couples argue, period.  We will show you the 12 skills needed to have an effective and appropriate argument where you can make it easy for your partner / spouse to give you exactly what you want!

Benefits of Effective Communication

  • Better skills for communicating effectively

  • A better intimate / sex life

  • A partner who is safe to go to

  • An honest relationship

  • A sense of being seen, heard, loved and validated

We will want to see you individually, apart from your partner.

Why do you want to see us individually / I don’t want to see you individually / I don’t want my partner to see you individually / etc...

This protest comes up on occasion so I want to respond, and I am including thoughts from every therapist at CCFT. It’s actually paramount that we see you individually, and for some individuals that means frequently. That is not a problem or a reflection of the relationship. Please always remember that the growth of the relationship depends on the growth of you as an individual.

Take a look at the many reasons all of us here at CCFT want to see you indiviusally as well as together in our blog post, WHY INDIVIDUAL SESSIONS IN MY COUPLES COUNSELING PROGRAM?

Contact CCFT today to learn effective couples communication techniques and build concrete skills to communicate with your partner.