Couples Intensives

When couples hear the words “therapy intensive”, some gasp. 

Here’s why you could actually exhale.  

This is a transformative experience that breathes life back into your deflated relationship. Aspire to immerse yourself and ...  

1st:  You’ll get focused attention without time constraints so that your anxiety can take a hiatus as there will be plenty of opportunities to address your concerns.  

2nd:   Improved communication means  we go way beyond surfacey statements and gridlock as we delve deeply into understanding, finding the root of the problem and getting beyond the day to day grind.

3rd:  Your personalized experiential workshop teaches you how to master new concepts so you can have productive conversations at home.  You will practice new skills and tools in session and be able to take them home - specific new ways of relating, responding, engaging and connecting that will enable you to move past your roadblocks and gridlock.  This isn’t a role-play, this is real-play.  

A New, Modern Approach to Couples Therapy

In March 2024, the Wall Street Journal published an article titled How to Fix Your Marriage in 16 Hours featuring Dr. Ellyn Bader and Lori Weisman, MA.  THIS is THAT exact training. I’ve been practicing in this model for years and continue to with both Ellyn and Lori.  

Strengthen Your Relationship

You can be a kindergartner or a grad student, it’s up to you.  Whatever grade you typically choose to be in when you get upset, and yes, we all digress to kindergarten at some point, I will show you how to stay in grad school.  We don’t need to solve the problem de jour.  What you need to do is understand, be understood and only then can you make your next move.  

In short, you will…

  • Learn and grow together

  • Embrace an air of curiosity

  • Rediscover parts of yourself and your relationship that you thought were gone forever  

When couples commit to this practice they flourish.  I’ve lived this way in my relationship for years now and it is a game changer. 

If you are interested in one of our Intensive programs, please call to schedule a call with Carrie.