How to Deal with Kids’ Anxiety About Returning to School in a Pandemic

The COVID-19 virus has forced us all to adjust to new norms and deal with new worries. These changes have been especially challenging for children. Due to the various changes associated with the virus, children may have more trouble than usual returning to school this fall.

Children who have spent most of their time with their family isolated from others may have trouble separating from their parents. For children with prior attachment anxiety, this separation may be especially difficult. Children may refuse to go to school or throw tantrums when being dropped off. Other kids or teens with social anxiety may not want to return to school at all after spending extra time at home.

Children may also be worried about returning to school for other reasons. New social distancing rules have eliminated former norms. A hug from a friend or teacher at school might have been comforting before, but now it may not be allowed or, if it is, it may cause anxiety instead of comfort. The requirement to wear masks, wash hands, or sanitize at school may also be a source of distress for children afraid of contracting the virus.

In a time of much uncertainty, it is normal for children to be nervous or worried. If your child is anxious about returning to school this fall, here are some suggested strategies.

  •  Ask them if they have any questions and what they want to know about the virus

  • Only explain as much as they need to know and don’t bog them down with unnecessary details

  • Explore and validate their thoughts and feelings

  • Limit their exposure to or time spent on anything that they worry too much about (for example, the news or sanitizing their hands)

  • Keep normal habits and have a routine that prepares your child for the school day beginning the night before

  • Talk about transitions before they happen

  • Learn the new rules of the classroom and plan ahead

  • If they protest when you separate them at school, make sure not to accidentally reinforce this behavior by reassuring them too much

  • Overall, model a calm and reassuring attitude for your child

If you or you child are anxious about school in the pandemic, I would love to help you work through your worries. Please reach out or make an appointment today.