Staying Connected Week 2 - Date Night In

Hi - welcome to Staying Connected Week 2!

While we are reemerging during the pandemic, let’s get reconnected. Many couples have grown apart while being confined during the pandemic. I’d like to help you reconnect in fun ways. Over the coming months, we will be providing free at home couples counseling exercises in a Staying Connected series to help strengthen the bond and connection you and your partner have or help bring it back if it is suffering. Here is week 1 if you haven’t already dove into it! 

This week, we suggest picking one night to cook a meal for the two of you. You can do it together or one of you can make it special and cook for your partner. If you are really gutsy, go for something totally new. You may also cook an oldie but goodie. Whatever you decide to cook, make it special in some new way.

Here are a few ideas for an at home dinner date…

  1. Set the table better than you normally would to give it that “out to eat” vibe.

  2. Bring out the candles for ambiance.

  3. Get some soft lighting.

  4. Play your favorite music.

  5. Get out your beverage of choice. Maybe splurge on something extra nice.

  6. Have a dessert planned. 

  7. Give your partner a card or a meaningful present.

  8. Pick a fun movie to watch after dinner or go on a nice walk.

This week’s homework is all about making your relationship front and center and special for one night. So put extra effort into this! And for those of you who have crazy schedules or aren’t together at dinner, make a special breakfast in bed or a picnic lunch. Don’t pick something too complicated, it should be enjoyable on your side as well. This could be a surprise or a planned event, something to look forward to doing with your partner. Let us know how it goes! 

Working through the homework and still feeling stuck? Contact us today so we can help you and your partner face your issues and get back to a loving, healthy relationship. Ready to jump in and get help right away? Book an appointment below!