Considering Polyamory or an Open Relationship? Be Very, VERY Careful...

Let me state first that I am not against polyamory or open relationships. For many people this is a fine way of life and they like it. But before you rush into this lifestyle, you better do a lot of homework and be in a grounded and stable relationship. This should not be an exercise in adding some spice to the relationship. If the spice isn’t there, this could make your relationship explode and you won’t want to deal with the fallout. I’ve seen the aftermath all too many times and it’s heartbreaking.

Many of my clients who ventured into this lifestyle weren’t in a stable place. They thought this would solve some ongoing issue for them. They thought they should go along with it to please their partner. Several had ongoing medical issues and wanted their partner to be satisfied when they felt they weren’t able to provide that. Some thought it would bring in a fun spark and ignite flames that were no longer there.  

Among the couples who’ve come to see me, the one common denominator was one partner who absolutely couldn’t stand that fact that the other had developed feelings for the newest member of the triangle. You can’t predict what will happen and that includes falling in love with another person. That shiny new object might be the start of a gigantic chasm in the relationship.  

If you have found yourself in this position, call us so that we can help put the pieces back together by working on the relationship that you originally signed up for in the first place. Let’s find that deep connection that you each had with each other and get your relationship back on track.