Knowing Your Feelings is Never Enough

You might know *why* you feel certain things and how you get triggered etc…  That’s not enough and it never will be. If you don’t understand and PRACTICE how to be skillful in your relationship, the odds are you will stay stuck, very very stuck.  

You can explore patterns and processes in your relationship and that is important.  You need to know what pushes your buttons and how you push your partner’s buttons. Those are vital things to figure out.  But that doesn’t solve the issues. Being aware and informed isn’t enough. You need to be intentional and practice new habits so that you can transform what isn’t working.  You MUST know how to interact and react effectively in your relationship.

With decades upon decades of research devoted to couples and relationships, we know what works and what doesn’t.  Did you know that there are actually prerequisites for having a successful relationship? Wouldn’t you love to have them all at your fingertips?  After all the research complied, we can predict with over 90% accuracy who will succeed and who will fail in relationship. That number is practically unheard of in the scientific community.  So our advice is get on board, put your best foot forward and let’s knock this thing out of the park together.

At Colorado Couples and Family Therapy, we practice a little bit differently than a lot of therapists out there.  We want you practicing the skills we teach you. Yes, there are skills and tools and we all need them. I tell my clients all the time that I have a great marriage because I went to grad school and I use my skills. When I mess up, I know how to effectively repair.  Do you? That’s one of the single most important skills to have, you need to know how to repair. If you are like 75% of couples out there, you don’t know how. But that’s OK because we can teach you. Let’s get this show on the road - give us a call so we can help you.